Finally Friday

It should be up to 60 today! I hear it may get cold by the weekend but we are making the best of the weather while it is here. Varnish is the name of the…


I was able to get my hands on some photos early today. The doors I showed being stripped and sealed earlier in the week have a counter-part on the boat. The frame has also now…

Wednesday AM

Back to a somewhat normal posting schedule today. Pat was good about getting photos for me.  One of the jobs they did yesterday was to reglue some loose parquet tiles on a GB. These were…

Drawing 101

I thought I was not going to have any photos for today’s blog but Jennifer  offered to try to get some photos.  I believe she must have just finished a giant coffee as they were…

Monday (late posting)

Sorry about posting so late. I gave my camera out early today and it just came back with one photo of consequence. This was on a Xantrex inverter recall notice one of our customers got.…

Funereal Friday

Trying to keep up with predictable postings. My mood has declined to an all time low when all I have to look forward to is sitting  in this chair or the one at home. The…


Back to regular posting schedule (at least today). With the snow last night my wife didn’t want me to chance going out on the ice but work ethics prevailed. I finally got a few photos…


Bet you thought I was going to miss today again. Seems like the internal interest in the blog is very limited and with me being a bit disabled it is hard to get any participation.…

Vacuous Monday

Another post with very little content. Plus the mechanic called in sick today (can you say “too much Superbowl?”) We did send the tubes to a Zodiac dinghy off for repair and reattached to the…

Fatuous Friday

No photos today! Coerced Content Ground hog day award to Ezduzit for early departure to points far south. Musings I’m toying with the idea of a smart phone app to maintain a service log for…