
We made it to another Friday! The temperatures seem to be holding which is a good thing for all the varnish work going on. One boat has had the rails stripped and is now in…


We are over the hump – ’tis Thursday already. I just took a walk around the yard but have no idea where anyone may be working – it seems to be a ghost town out…


Another sunny day with lots of varnish going on out in the big building.  I still don’t walk that far – even though I am now totally boot-less and crutch-less for most of the day. …


Another spring-like day today. In fact, it looks quite warm for most of the week. I hope this is not a temporary condition. Last spring you may remember we did a double seat on a…

Monday (looking up)

Sorry about missing Friday – I was one Sick Puppy!  But today I feel almost normal and the weather is most agreeable. Half the crew seems to be working on varnish. Rumsey is replacing hose…


On top of the leg fiasco I came down with something terrible last night – I guess the flu that’s going around so I won’t be able to stay all day. But you do see…

Eastbay Fuel Burn

This information got lost on the site somehow so I have moved it here where it can be easily found. FUEL BURN DISCUSSION The report regarding fuel consumption for 38′ Eastbay “Another Way to Look…


A beautiful (albeit a bit chilly) day today.  The same jobs progress today as I have shown this week except for measuring for new sails for a Beneteau 50. We have a good source for…


I don’t think I was paying attention to something, but we actually had snow last night! Totally unexpected on my part. We were getting a bit spoiled with the warmer temperatures and had forgotten that…


Well my trip to the Dr. was good news. The leg is healing and I am allowed (encouraged) to start putting weight on it. In fact, I can single crutch around the house without the…