
They weren’t wrong about the rain today. It is coming down right now and it is overcast and gloomy. It’s going to get cold next so if you haven’t brought your boat in this is…

Not to deprive

There was no blog yesterday as MANY of you found out. My daily count was through the roof and I can only assume people kept checking back to see if I had posted. Sorry you…


We had a pretty heavy frost last night – enough to make me almost late so I could clean my windows off. If you are in Oxford this weekend they do have Christmas on the…

Entering December

It is feeling like December now and we don’t seem to be as far ahead as I anticipated. Still a lot of winterizing to finish up on the boats out of the water. I don’t…


The sun came back after a pretty nasty day yesterday. Of course, I am back to using the heater next to my desk and I see temps in the mid 30’s the next few nights…


We are supposed to get some bad weather but it’s not here yet so we continue to haul boats before finishing off those that have already been pulled. I think that’s called making hay while…

Cyber Monday

Well the weather is being most cooperative while we continue with hauling and storing boats. There are still some loose ends to tie up winterizing-wise when the weather is inclement and we have time. I…


We will be closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal thanks for all those who are storing their boats with us and…


I did leave early yesterday and they seemed to get a lot done. Maybe I should leave early more often ( you can support any hypothesis if you slant the data). Not feeling much better…


I missed Blue Highway on Saturday night and wasted $50 worth of tickets .  I came down with a terrible head cold and almost didn’t make it to work today but probably won’t stay here…