
Back again. Not much different going on today (what  a surprise!) My throat problem is still not fixed although I did start on antibiotics on Sunday and have cut my smoking down to almost nothing.…

Just Another One

I’m getting real tired of posting the SOS everyday. We do have a GB32 coming in today to get an estimate on having fuel tanks replaced. That would be interesting. And there is some interesting…


We had our rain yesterday and perhaps again today- whoopee! I’m not feeling much better but am still dragging myself into work everyday instead of taking sick days. What I assumed was a sinus related…


Rain today – a bit this morning and more later, and boy do we need it! We have several polish jobs over in Oxford and one waiting here at the dock in Trappe. Two coats…


It is a boring day photo wise. I can only show so many pictures of window frames and boat bottoms without boring everyone to tears. I am working on boat listings and other projects which…


Since I can’t whine about the weather, I can whine about my half day off on Friday which ended up being an 1/8 day off when I just refused to work any more at 4:00.…


I promise not to mention how hot it is going to be today, but some of the crew elected not to come in. Willy had taken some before and after photos of the bilge he…


I had a call from one of our regular blog visitors (on a totally different matter) who told me he knows more about the weather in Trappe than he does in his own area. I…

Wednesday - Supplemental

I forgot to add this very nice testimonial we received from the owner of the GB42 that we added the couplings and new mufflers in this spring: First, here’s picture of us entering Stonington Harbor…


July is winding down FAST. This is the last week already and it’s half over. We can only assume it is going to be a hot August again this year. Some of the crew is…