
BRRRRR – and that’s all I’m going say about that!  The window job was completed yesterday afternoon and although I haven’t had time to go out and capture that, I do have a photo of…


They weren’t wrong about the rain but it hasn’t slowed down the yard crew, they’re like the energizer bunny – they keep going and going. Everyday is a winterizing day at this point. You can…


We still have half the crew over in Oxford today.  We are still enjoying beautiful fall weather although it looks like a few days of rain is imminent. I know several boats are coming in…


We have half the crew over in Oxford today so we only have a couple of projects going on over here today. As usual I won’t have photos of the work being done over there…


Another beautiful day following a fabulous weekend. I’m still trying to figure out what went on in my absence Friday after I left – and yes I did get away on time although it looked…

Friday (short day!)

I’m going to be gone before lunch today and would not have come in at all if I hadn’t had to do the blog 🙂 The priority du jour (heure) is still the deck job.…


Man, the wind is starting to howl outside. We have great tides this morning but too much wind to do boat moving. We only have 2 boats we would like to haul today but unfortunately…


When the rain comes…. This has put a damper on the day, evidently.  On the other hand it should be nice fall weather after today – just in time for me to take a little…


Sorry, a bit late today. Beautiful weather here but still plagued with computer woes – first my billing program lost the ability to print without freezing up and now the keyboard and mouse have packed…