
I promise not to mention how hot it is going to be today, but some of the crew elected not to come in. Willy had taken some before and after photos of the bilge he…


I had a call from one of our regular blog visitors (on a totally different matter) who told me he knows more about the weather in Trappe than he does in his own area. I…

Wednesday - Supplemental

I forgot to add this very nice testimonial we received from the owner of the GB42 that we added the couplings and new mufflers in this spring: First, here’s picture of us entering Stonington Harbor…


July is winding down FAST. This is the last week already and it’s half over. We can only assume it is going to be a hot August again this year. Some of the crew is…


We did have a spot of rain come through yesterday. Surrounding towns seemed to have some fairly heavy rain but we merely got enough to increase the humidity – whoopee!  Friday’s prediction has been downgraded…


What a brutal few days we went through from Friday, Saturday and into Sunday!  In fact, according to the local paper both days, which were triple digit days, were record highs. We did manage to…


I was hoping it was going to be an early day today due to the heat but it seems there is a change of plans. We were supposed to go to a 4 day week…


Winding down now that the pressure is off us to deliver the 43.  It is pretty timely as the heat is starting to take it’s toll on the guys.  After the boat left yesterday morning…

Hump Day

We had a nice storm come through last night which brought the evening temperatures down but the humidity way up today. I think it should prove to be very miserable today – in more ways…