Countdown Complete

Last day before the holidays for most of us and not a day too soon. Everyone is a bit burned out and ready for some well-deserved time off. It will be a quiet send off…

Countdown - 2 days

The current plan is to close for the holidays at the end of the day tomorrow. We will return on (your guess here).  I am pretty sure that there will be no Christmas Party, luncheon,…

Countdown - 3 days

The cold weather has moved back in. It took hours to get my workshop up to 60 degrees yesterday with my little radiant heater. I think it’s time to move up to a propane heater.…

Fabulously Friday

It’s fabulous because it is an early day for me. I’ll be heading off to work out in “Santa’s Workshop” in just a while. The first task will be to repair the table saw which…


We are almost in the countdown to holiday mode. Not sure what day we are closing or for how long but I know I won’t be here next Friday -regardless. I usually take Christmas Eve…


I’ve noticed my readership has gone down so I can only assume the winterizing season is just plain boring. For you stragglers I have to show the mandatory haul out photo of the day –…


I’m not sure if you can see it in this photo but we are blessed with a skim of ice on the creek this morning – justifying the winter storage and winterizing effort. This little…

No Postings

Until after the Holidays, there will be no Monday postings. You may have to work during the time that you would usually be here!


Although not actually winter weather, it is quite “nippy” this morning. Most of the boats are hauled now except for a few stragglers. Soon we should start some actual repair jobs which makes for more…


Once again no interesting work going on – just winterizing and oil changes. We did have a tie rod break on the trailer yesterday. This is a crucial piece of equipment this time of year…