Holiday Break

Just in case you have not figured it out, I am on my annual holiday vacation this week. I did slip into the office yesterday for a few minutes and no one was around so…


This is the final countdown. Everyone is out working their little butts off in hopes of not sugar plums but actually getting out on time.  It is sunny and cold today with quite a bit…


I am still listening to the Christmas music at least a couple of hours a day. To the left is my all time favorite holiday album. These young singers are just embarrassing themselves trying to…


It hasn’t gotten any warmer yet. All week it is predicted to be in the 30’s with plenty of wind to make us even more comfortable. According to there is a 50% chance of…

Monday Dec 20

Fortunately the snow never materialized over the weekend but the cold weather persists. I invested in a new energy efficient electric heater to set beside my desk. Us old guys get cold! Holiday parties have…

Bristol Skiff Rubrails

My chip scrambled on my camera so I have lost the picture of the damage on this boat, but the rubrail had gotten crushed and fallen off the boat. We had our carpenter estimate the…


I seem to be almost alone today and who knows what I’ll get into. We left a bit early yesterday after being alerted that the roads were getting a bit slippery.  It is not going…

Hello Readers!

Welcome to the new Dickerson Boatyard Blog! I have upgraded from the vs software (Very Simple) to a full blown WordPress package. This should allow me to add more and more features to the blog.…