Grand Banks Lazarette Hatch Construction

Grand Banks Lazarette Hatch Repair

Repair of your Grand Banks Lazarette hatch is one of the frequently found service items on the older yachts. The construction of the older Grand Banks lazarette hatches invites water intrusion into a plywood core. Mostly this is due to the teak decking which is screwed into this core. As the decking deteriorates water is able to weep into the core. We have found some hatches with virtually a pile of rot inside which takes all the strength out of the hatch. When we rebuild them we use a non-rotting core and although we can deck them, we generally make these for boats where we have removed the teak decks. If you remove the decks you will need to rebuild these hatches any way since they will not fit flush to the deck once the teak is removed.
Grand Banks lazarette hatch
new lazarette hatch
We can also replace the double hatches with one single which due to the lightweight core will not weigh much more than the current hatch. It is also possible to upgrade the hatch with gas-assist lifters.